
Make $300+ Per Day & Recurring Walk Away Monthly Income


Earn $40-$200+ Per Hour Upfront

With every digital property you create and sell you have the opportunity make substantial upfront income for your work.

Generate Recurring Monthly Income

Each digital property you create brings with it the opportunity to earn $50 - $150 per month in recurring revenue. Month after month after month.

Unlimited Opportunity

With tens of millions of business around the world needing and wanting the service we provide, there is virtually no limit to how big you can grow.

No Technical Skills Required

Creating websites in 2021 is something anyone can do. Our super easy to use drag & drop platform is loaded with a plethora of design modules that are a cinch to deploy and customize. Watch the videos to see it in action for yourself.

Work Anywhere From Anywhere

All you need is a computer and an internet connection and you're good to go. You can do business with businesses all over the world. Nothing fancy and nothing expensive required. Just good old fashioned work ethic.

No Chasing Friends & Family

We all know those people who join one of those deals and none of us want to be that person. This is a real business that you can be proud of without wrecking relationships with your friends and family.

Darci I

"Jay truly cares. You can see that in everything he does and his support through this program is worth it's weight in gold. His advice and guidance has made this process much faster and more enjoyable than it otherwise would have been. I can't recommend it strongly enough."

Greg Pitman

"This has turned into the ultimate business for me. I'm not at all tech savvy and I can't believe how simple this all is between the web design tools and the training Jay and his team provide, I'm truly amazed. This has been financially life changing and incredibly fulfilling to learn these new skills that happen to pay very well! And being able to work from literally anywhere is pretty amazing. Can't thank you enough Jay and team!"

William H

"I've tried everything to get out of a job I hate including MLM.  I wrecked most of my friendships as is often the case.  I love so much about this but especially that it's a real business and one where I never have to chase my friends and family.  I went at it slow due to time constraints and within a year, I was able to build enough of an income where I no longer need to work. I am eternally grateful for Jay and his team for making this opportunity so accessible and for helping me to make this happen. Jump in and do the work. You will look back and be so grateful you did."

Joe F.

"The upfront money is amazing, the system he teaches for building your client base works - you'll see that in the videos but the best part is building an income that pays you every single month.  That gives you options.  Do this with everything you have and you'll be glad you did!"



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Once you've watched the videos, decide if this is a fit and is something you want to pursue and we'll go from there.


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"I know many people want to have their own business so they can have the benefits that entrepreneurship brings. I don't know of a better way for ordinary people to create something substantial for themselves with little to no money and pure hard work."

Jay Woodford

A BIT ABOUT ME... Member of Team GaryVee / Entrepreneur

I'm Jay Woodford. I've been publishing content for New York Times bestselling author and serial entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk alongside Team GaryVee since 2018 and I've been running my own businesses in digital media, marketing and web design since 2011.

I created this project because I saw an opportunity for ordinary people to create a business with little to no money that would give them options.

I don't know where I've found you in your journey but if you're at a place where you really need or want to create an income that can give you actual freedom and actual choices, I promise if you put in the work, this is a place where you can achieve exactly that.

I've put together 7 videos outlining exactly what it takes to create digital rental income properties; websites that can generate substantial upfront and recurring income.

If you do exactly what I tell you, your life could look radically different in the next 6-12 months.  If this is what you're looking for, watch the 7 videos and if it's a fit, let's get to work.  I look forward to helping you achieve whatever it is that you want to achieve!

P.S. I talk a lot about mental health and real life issue on TikTok, Instagram, YouTube & Facebook if you want to get to know me more.

Jay Woodford - My Digital Home - Synergist Media - Main 423


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