Learn How To Create Upfront & Recurring Income Through Digital Real Estate The ultimate way to build a mobile business that creates substantial upfront & recurring income.

Recurring Monthly Income
As you're bringing customers on board, you'll be able to earn a monthly management fee of anywhere between $50-$100+ per month on each website that comes in month after month.
It's 100% free and always will be which begs the obvious question, "What's in it for you, Jay?" First off, I'm not doing this because I'm some selfless saint. I understand that there is enormous long term value for me in giving practical value to people in a way that is truly life-changing.
Let me put it this way...
If I help hundreds of people around the world create a real business that allows them to
- Walk away from the job they hate and pursue their passion
- Pay off their home faster
- Put their kids through school without any stress
- Get out of debt
- Go on extra family vacations
- or actually become wealthy
What do you think that's going to do for me? It will position me to reap far more rewards and open up doors that would have not been possible otherwise - let alone the deep sense of meaning and fulfillment that helping others change their life for the better would bring.

Gary Vaynerchuk
When it comes to business, Gary Vaynerchuk is my hero so when I had the idea to create a training platform that would teach people how to leverage the world of web design to create a business with unlimited growth potential, instead of charging $5,000 for the training, I decided to take his advice and give it away for free.
A BIT ABOUT ME... husband / dad / business / creative
There's something wrong with me. I met my wife Jill on May 30, 2008 and we were married August 30, 2008. Yeah, that's 90 days later (give or take a few but 90 sounds better).
People thought I was crazy when I told them we were engaged pretty much 2 weeks after meeting. But I knew. And it was the best decision I ever made without question. And I'm not trying to be cute. If you met her, you'd understand.
We had 4 kids in 5 years. Remember I said there was something wrong with me? Joking aside, that part was not intentional. I'm not smart enough to be that intentional and apparently planning wasn't my strong suite.
When we had our first 2 boys, things were tough. I mean really tough. Everyone talks about having kids when they're good and ready and in a stable place financially. I like a good challenge so we decided to do the exact opposite of that.
Just kidding. Remember I said I wasn't smart enough for that level of intentionality? Well I meant it.
I started my business Synergist Media in 2011 and have been having the time of my life ever since. I've always been radically driven to work for myself and have the freedom to control my time and that's what I get to do. And I get to work with and serve a lot of amazing people along the way. Maybe you could be one of them?
If there was a mutually beneficial fit to do so that'd sure make me happy if you were. If you think I can help you or your business, let's talk.

Content By Gary Vaynerchuk
Without All The F*cking Swearing
I'm super pumped and proud to be a part Gary Vaynerchuk's team producing and publishing the official Curse Free GaryVee podcast on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts and every other major podcast platforms.
I believe Gary's content and philosophies backed by his unshakable reputation for being a good person who operates with the highest integrity and good intent makes him one of, if not the most trusted resource for tactical business and mindset advice.
[Read the full story about how I started this here]
Please give it a watch or a listen, share it with your friends and let us know your thoughts!

Check out the Official Curse Free GaryVee YouTube Channel:
*I want to give credit where credit is due. Please note that I did not create the Curse Free GaryVee YouTube Channel. That was the work of Jonathan Alaya who runs a full service video production company called InnerView Media based out of Carlsbad, CA. He started working on the project a little over a year ago - 9+ months before I even thought of it. Please go shoot him a thank you on the YouTube channel as that is all courtesy of his consistent hard work